
Hello you!


Thanks for stopping by and welcome to my brand spanking new BLOG! It’s all very exciting to finally be part of the 21st century.

I’d like to keep this reasonably short and sweet, but wanted to give y’all a clue as to what this is going to about.


”To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance” Oscar Wilde.


I am a big girl, I have always been a big girl and will always continue to be a big girl (unless of course Kate Moss finally agrees that body transplant i’ve been hassling her about all these years). Joking aside, it’s bloody hard work being a big girl. From harsh words on the playground, to snide comments from shop assistants and having to walk out of a high street store because they only go up to a size 14. Being a big girl is a challenge, and loving a body that is often deemed ‘unattractive’, ‘undesirable’ and ‘not the norm’ is bloody hard work too. I have spent many years trying to convince myself that the only opinion that matters is my own, and that as long as i’m happy, then sod everyone else. Have I managed to convince myself yet? Not really, but i’m close. What I have discovered in all those years though, is that very, very few women in this world are genuinely, truthfully happy with the way they look. And believe me, this feeling isn’t limited to size, age, race, eye colour, hair colour or breast size, oh no, this feeling seems to affect almost every woman on this planet. Why? Well, this is when it gets a bit sticky. Lots of people blame the media, some blame the objectification some women face, others say it is just the way us gals are wired up. Truth is….I have no idea why loving our bodies is so hard, but what I do know is that beauty comes from within and once you feel beautiful inside, the outside quickly follows suit. So, what are you waiting for?! Get happy dammit!!


Not as easy as that, is it? If you’re anything like me, you have a hectic, busy and stressful life that sometimes leaves you feeling anything but happy. The amount of evenings i’ve taken solace at the bottom of a biscuit barrel can not even be counted on two hands. Oh how I wish I could just jog out those frustrations! Work + Life (children included for many) + how terrible Eastenders has become = STRESS! Too much stress does awful things to our minds and bodies and frankly, makes us feel like poop! Sadly, stress in general is often unavoidable and with all these demands, where do we find time for ourselves in all this? When will we get the time to use that foot spa we bought three years ago? When we will have five minutes to slap on that facemask that Auntie Sue put in our Christmas stocking? When are we going to be able to reserve at the very least four hours to cut through that hedgerow growing in our knickers? When? When? WHEN?!


RELAX!!!  This is where I come in. Over the years of furiously trying the choose the right outfit (in the right size), attempting to take my makeup off without the use of sandpaper and turps and desperately trying to convince myself that YES…BIG KNICKERS ARE SEXY, I have developed lots of life hacks, tips, wrinkles, solutions and saviours to help myself look and feel beautiful and guess what? I want to share them all with YOU!


So please, stay subscribed for fashion tips, style ideas, beauty must haves, body care routines and lots, lots more!


I hope to keep this blog updated as regularly as I can, so please do check back for new content. I also plan to run a Youtube based vlog too! Details of this will be up soon. Watch this space!!


In the meantime, stay beautiful.


Big love, Helen.


P.S Seriously, stress can be a real problem for some. If you feel you are struggling and need support, please check out;

These guys are pretty good in a crisis too


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Got a topic you want covered? Any content you’d like to see? Any tips you’d like to receive? Please let me know in the comments section and I will do my best to accomodate! Mwah! xx